It will usually be a five or six digit number and will not contain any letters or spaces. The point is, it can be located in any number of places. And at least one maker placed the number on a fancy ivory tag which was affixed inside, near the top of the left side. Occasionally, the Serial Number is stenciled on the plate. This is especially true of units made by the Aeolian Corporation and Asian built units.

On upright units made after 1960, some manufacturers stamped the serial number on the back of the piano. Some grand piano makers stamped the number on the Soundboard but this is the exception rather than the rule. This is true for upright units and most grand pianos. Most commonly, there is a small oval shaped hole (or cut-out) in the cast iron plate (painted gold color) and the Serial Number is stamped into the wood beneath the plate. The Serial Number is typically located in the vicinity of the Tuning Pins and more specifically between the bass and tenor tuning pins. Player Piano Serial Numbers and where they are located.