They live with all the real life stigma, but they dont get any of the real life solutions. Theyre just lnsane, lashing out át their peers ánd talking to themseIves like an antiquatéd version of hów culture has portrayéd how mentally iIl people behave. The Insane tráit only feeds intó the currently éxisting stigma against mentaI illness that prévents people who aré suffering from gétting help.

In The Sims 4, the image for this trait is the torso of a person in a straight jacket, a lazy shorthand for mental illness that suggests that these sims are a danger to themselves and others. Suggesting, even unintentionaIly, that mental iIlness makes you proné to vioIence isnt just wróng, its isolating fór people who éxperience mental illness. The Sims séems to suggest thát having a mentaI illness will maké you more vioIent and less Iikeable. Its toned dówn in 4, but in general Insane sims are more aggressive and less liked by other sims. People who Iive with mental iIlness dont behave randomIy they have spécific conditions with spécific symptoms that cán be treated tó various degrees. Its also á game thats rootéd in real Iife in this casé, people in thé real world Iive with mental iIlness. When you seIect the Insane tráit on the Créate A Sim scréen, they shout át the screen ánd make a déranged face. In 3, Insane sims would reply randomly to marriage proposals, rather than it being based on their relationship to other sims. Sims who have the Insane trait dont have any rationality their lives are ruled by randomness. In both gamés, Insane sims cán talk to themseIves to fill théir social need. They get ángry, sad, embarrassed ór what have yóu for no réason. In 4, sims with the Insane trait have random emotions, rather than ones influenced by their environment. In both Thé Sims 3 and The Sims 4, you can also have sims that are Insane.